Housing benefit as an alternative to citizen's allowance (Jobcenter)?

Hoffnungsfroh gespannt mit Ring

Housing benefit according to the WoGG

Housing benefit is intended to help people afford housing.

Priority of housing benefit over SGB II benefits

Housing benefit is considered a priority benefit, which means that it must be applied for before other benefits. So if the housing benefit is at least in the amount of the SGB II benefits, the job center could insist that housing benefit be applied for.

No obligation to deteriorate

Certainly, there is no obligation to deteriorate: If the housing benefit is lower than the SGB II benefit, this priority certainly does not apply. Especially in view of the current situation, one should check very carefully whether the renunciation of SGB II benefits cannot become a disadvantage: Incalculable heating or ancillary costs are not covered by housing benefit.

But: One-time entitlement to support from the job centre for additional payments possible

If you become needy due to a high claim for ancillary costs, it is possible to make use of the job center in the month in which this invoice is due. *

Exclusion of housing benefit when receiving SGB II benefits

The benefits according to SGB II include at least the reasonable costs of accommodation, so no housing benefit can be applied for.

Housing allowance plus child allowance

In this combination, single parents and couples with children usually have more money at their disposal than according to the calculation according to SGB II. You should have this variant checked - we will be happy to do that for you.

* We can't prove at the moment whether this works without any problems - we'll stay tuned

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Geringfügige Beschäftigung

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